Molti di voi conosceranno sicuramente Oxygen Phone Manager 3, il famoso software che consente al tuo PC ed al tuo cellulare di comunicare tra loro, in modo che sia possibile gestire tutte le funzioni del cellulare (Rubrica, SMS, Galleria, Loghi, MMS,Stazioni FM,Registro Chiamate, Agenda, Suonerie, giochi Java e applicazioni, GPRS, Lista impegni,WAP...) comodamente attraverso il PC, con estrema facilità e naturalezza.
E' uscita in questi giorni la nuova versione 3 (beta 3) che sembra inglobare in un unico software il supporto sia degli smartphone Symbian che dei cellulari Nokia (ricordo infatti Oxygen Phone Manager 2 esisteva in 2 versioni, una prettamente per smartphone l'altra per cellulari Nokia, costringendo l'utente ad acquistare 2 prodotti separati).
Il nuovo software permetterà la connessione dei dispositivi tramite infrarossi, cavo, bluetooth (Microsoft, Widcomm, BlueSoleil stacks).
Queste sono le novità introdotte nella Beta3:
- General. Added German, Italian and Russian language files.
- General. Improved compatibility with Windows Vista.
- Connectivity. Fixed problem with connection to Sony Ericsson smartphones.
- Phonebook. Added visual delimiter between Birthday Center and Speed Dials panels.
- Phonebook. Improved address fields handling.
- Phonebook. Home and Business addresses tabs trade their places.
- Phonebook. Fixed problem with displaying FirstName and LastName fields for Nokia Series 40 v3 phones.
- Phonebook. Fixed problem with editing labels in VCard for Symbian OS smartphones.
- Organiser, Calendar. Events are now saved between sessions.
- Organiser, Calendar. New hot-keys. "Ins" and "Ctrl+N" create new event; "Ctrl+Enter" and "Ctrl+E" open event for edit; "Del" deletes event.
- Organiser, Calendar. Deleted events are correctly removed from the list now.
- Event Log. Added ability to change columns order.
- Event Log. New hot-key. "Del" button deletes selected events now.
- Event Log. Fixed problem with deleting multiple events.
- Event Log. Fixed interface problem appeared after deleting an event.
- Event Log. Fixed problem with SMS tab missing for Symbian smartphones.
- Event Log. Fixed problem with traffic values showed in a wrong order.
- Event Log. Fixed problem with changing filters after rereading the log.
- File Browser. Fixed problem with switching to another section while reading a file.
- File Browser. Fixed problem with renaming files in non-smartphones.
- File Browser. Sidebar stile changed to native XP.
- Major interface improvements.
fonte:[Oxygen Club]
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